What's in the tote?
With over 500,000 children’s books in publication today, it
is a challenge for parents to find quality books that are age-appropriate
and stimulating for their children. BookTree has taken on this challenge
by reviewing tens of thousands of books recommended by professionals
in the field of children’s literature and early childhood
BookTree’s review process screens out books that depict violence,
use harsh language, market commercial characters, or contain subject
matter that would typically require parental discretion. Books that
are fun and entertaining, rich in content and concepts, and contain
high-quality illustrations score well in the evaluation process.
Selected books are categorized by age-appropriateness and assembled
into sets of ten, balancing fiction vs. non-fiction, stories vs.
concepts, authors/illustrators, and breadth of subject matter. No
two books in a set are similar, so that children are exposed to
a wide variety of writing and illustrative styles, concepts, and
story themes each month.
There are multiple tracks of books with sophistication levels spanning
from infant up to about age 8. This makes it possible for our books
to continue to meet the needs of each child as he or she grows.

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